Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Take Every Moment To Teach Your Tot

Any chance I get I take the opportunity to teach or have Cali learn something new. One of the best places is the grocery store. There are so many new smells, textures, colors, shapes, etc that tots can benefit from. On this day we talked about sizes and colors of fruits and veggies! We also did some smelling too!


  1. I love what you are doing! You're a great example for me. We are trying to do the same with our boy and it's amazing how fast he is learning! He's so eager to learn and curious.
    Off to the grocery I am tomorrow! :-)

  2. I love seeing young minds at work & exploring. They can teach us so much about todays world through their own prospective. I hope you have a great time "exploring" the grocery store!!
