
(This page will be updated frequently)

June 2, 2011

SIDS researcher says "Forget the cot, sleep with your baby."
Click the link above to learn more.

I fully believe all babies should sleep with or near their parents. If you don't trust yourself because your a "heavy sleeper" think about laying a bassinet or pack and play right next to your bed. Also please do not force them to STTN (sleep through the night) their bodies are constantly growing and need nutrishion at all hours of the day.  Dr McKenna said. "Co-sleeping is humankind's oldest and most successful method of mother and baby sleeping."  We dont even own a crib, we have a family bed, meaning all 4 of the Vaes family members sleep together in one room. Our bed is a king matress with an added twin no boxsprings or frames, Cali and Micheal have there own blanket, and Dallas and I share.

Remeber there is a right and wrong way to bed-sharing/co-sleeping:
1. NO waterbeds
2. NO couch
3. NO drugs
4. NO alcohol
5. Flat fitted sheets over your bed.
6. Light-weight blankets such as quilts, fleece, and cottons are perfect.


July 1, 2011

Tummy Time
 It's not something I've ever been into doing or forcing. When your baby starts to roll over on his/her own that's natural tummy time! When they are done they roll back over or fuss at you to say, "Hey, help me out over here!"


July 5, 2011

Are you pregnant with a boy?

Today's parents are becoming informed and bringing their whole babies home.

In 2009, 68% of AMERICAN parents chose NOT to circumcise.

Did you know that NO medical or health organization recommends circumcision?

Today, 89% of the men in the world are intact. Review medical research and request an information pack on the prepuce organ (foreskin) and circumcision at:

Each year 1.2 million Americans suffer the pain, trauma, and disfigurement of infant male circumcision. They loose their normal sexual function for life. Thousands suffer life-threating injuries. Hundreds die. Claims of health benefits have been debunked.

Foreskin is NOT a birth defect, being born without a foreskin is considered a defect.

The GDG reports that the number of U.S. baby boys staying intact from birth rose from 50% in 2006 to 68% in 2009, and is likely much higher in 2011.

From the Bible:

"Behold, I, Paul, tell you that if you be circumcised, Christ will be of no advantage to you." – Gal 5:2

"And even those who advocate circumcision don’t really keep the whole law. They only want you to be circumcised so they can brag about it and claim you as their disciples." – Gal 6:13

"And I testify again to every male who receives circumcision, that he is in debt to keep the whole Law. You who do so have been severed from have fallen from grace." - Gal 5:3

Helpful Links Below:

 A Male's Point of View
Listen to Intactivists & Humanitarianism on Progressive Parenting
The Whole Network
Circumcision Information
Doctors Opposing Circumcision
Mothers Against Circumcision



July 7, 2011

Do you know in ingredients in vaccines? Make sure you do the research to find out if you want to fully vax, selective vax, or not vax at all. We started out vaxing but due to the amount of research we did, we felt better off no longer vaxing!

Vaccine Ingredients

"You can't vaccinate believing that your children are protected and then feel that your children are not protected because somehow, some non-vaccinated child is carrying some secret organism that no one else is carrying. It just doesn't make any sense." -- Dr. Larry Palevsky, Pediatrician


July 7, 2011

Back to our circumcision information, this is a real story of a mother and what she had to go through. Brooke told me "You think its a snip, a simple procedure that doctors do everyday. They don't tell you that babies die, can have tons of issues, or lose their penis all together. I've seen that side they don't tell you about, that side no mother should ever have to see. Think before you cut a part of your babies penis off."

Please take a moment and read her story, and really consider what you are removing from your son.

Circumcision Gone Wrong: Lantz Story

Also make sure you watch a circumcision video, those can be found on
I pesonally have watched 1 and let's say a half, it was too painful and heartbreaking to watch an infant go through so much pain.

Need more info check out this link.... Are You Fully Informed?


July 7, 2011

We do not NEED cow milk. Many societies throughout the world remain very healthy without ever drinking cow's milk once weaned from the breast... In fact, there are other milks available that are more nutritioussuch as almond, coconut, and oat milk!

Is Cows Milk Necessary?


July 7, 2011

I am 100% on board with this link, let your children express their feelings, whether it be mad, sad, kicking and screaming, or way to over-stimulated.

Toddler Disipline Without Shame


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