Sunday, April 3, 2011

Frigde ABC Magnets

Fridge magnets are probably the easiest activity you can do with your child. Cali can spend up to 30 minutes rearranging the letters and making sounds. When she plays she does say the letters/sounds of the alphabet, but I don't correct her if she has the wrong letter, in time she will visually learn the ABC's. We do group the colors together so she can see the difference. You can get your fridge magnets at your local Wal-mart for $1


  1. I found some wooden ABC and number magnets at the Dollar Tree last week. And the best part is they were completely backed with magnet. I've had trouble with the small magnet falling out of the back of the plastic ones. I need to go back to the Dollar Tree and grab a whole bunch more! LOVE all your activities!!

  2. I just LOVE the dollar for those reasons! I have bough most of our learning books and educational tools from there! You can't beat the price!
